Middleplaatz Camp and Caravan Adventure
Middleplaatz Camp and Caravan Adventure is the ideal place to get in touch with nature itself; it is...
Middleplaatz Camp and Caravan Adventure is the ideal place to get in touch with nature itself; it is located 15 km from Lady Grey.
This camp will make use of all your camping equipment in this vast and unpretentious nature location. We offer 20 Campsites with braai areas and no electricity; there are also no ablution facilities. There is a large fresh-water tank for drinking.
The little Victorian-style village of Lady Grey is surrounded by the Witteberg Mountains; it is 50 km from Aliwal North on the R58 to Barkly East. The peaceful atmosphere, where gravel predominates over tar on its tree-lined streets, makes it a charming place to visit. The Jouberts Pass is one of the major draw cards to Lady Grey and the town has the third highest pass in South Africa that takes you through deep river gorges and majestic mountains.